California City, where there is room to exhale. Are you ready?
Upcoming News and Events in Cal City!

Did you know? Father Garcés exploration party camped at the foot of Castle Butte in 1776.

February to June When, what, and where varies each year. Areas to explore are highlighted on a driving route.

Mar - May and Sept - Oct One of the hottest spots for birding attracting birders nationally and internationally.
Did you know? The slower pace and endless nature of California City is less than 2hrs from downtown Los Angeles.

State Parks
Next Door
Two state parks lie in the El Paso mountains just north and east.
The splendor of Red Rock Canyon State Park is twenty minutes north of our city center. To the east, Tomo-Kahni, was the site of a Kawaiisu (Nuwa) winter village. Public tours take you to this hidden historic site.
Did you know? Test flights from Edwards AFB, where the speed of sound was broken, are seen almost daily over our city.
Year around The city's combination use roads and trails connect to BLM and state park trails that make for thousands of miles of exploration in our area .
Year around Macro to wide angle, sunrise to sunset, starry nights and upclose delights, our Mojave will not disappoint.
Did you know? The native Kawiiasu roasted and ate Desert Candles, which are in the cabbage family.

Year around Take in 360° views to the southern Sierras and over vast lake beds.
Did you know? Desert Tortoises can live to be 80-90 years old.

Desert Tortoise Natural Area
More than Tortoises
Desert Tortoises find refuge in this reserve and emerge from thier burrows in spring and fall. While visiting follow interpertive trails to learn about the plants and animals that make our desert home.